Battling through dark times, taking up photography helped Will Patino recapture the joy of life.
As photographers moving into the world of moving images it made sense to take on a project about a subject we are familiar with, so doing a profile film on a photographer was a logical choice.
Picking a photographer that was inspiring to us was easy, William Patino has a truly inspiring story about his journey into photography, what it means to him, how it has changed his outlook and now his career.
Will’s whole outlook on life and what truly matters was forged after battling depression for a number of years, this journey and how far it has taken him, from a 9-5 job as a tradie to full time photographer traveling the world creating images for different clients has been inspiring us and many photographers worldwide for a long time.
After reaching out to Will and getting him on-board with the project we set a date, sketched out a rough storyline for the film and brainstormed a few locations. We all decided Kiama and the surrounding coast was perfect as it contained some amazing locations, and Will's favorite place for shooting, Cathedral Rocks.
Spending a few days hanging out with Will discussing life, image making and what it means to each of us while creating this short film was an honour and we hope we have done his story justice.
Director, Cinematographer, Editor | BEN COOPE
Aerials, 2nd Camera | JAKE ANDERSON
Produced by | LEAP FILMS