The art of Kintsugi

Working with DDB group HK and Hagar international, coming onboard as the director and producer for the Australian based part of this shoot. I worked closely with the clients to find and prep location, gear, photographer, pre-light and cinematographer for the 2 day shoot.


50 million people are enslaved globally today. Only 0.2% of survivors receive any form of assistance — often putting them into an unbreakable cycle of trauma.

Hagar International is expanding their aid and impact to help more survivors put their lives back together through the “Unbroken” project. Working closely with an expert Kintsugi practitioner, “Unbroken” documents the restoration of a broken bust exemplified by the story of a human trafficking survivor.

Life can break apart in a split second, but take ages to repair.

Director | BEN COOPE

Cinematographer | BRADLEY CONOMY

Editor, Executive Producer | DDB HK

Photographer | DAVID SHEERMAN

Client | HAGAR INT’L

Produced by | LEAP FILMS & HAGAR INT’L


Saké and the Art of Hospitality: Amuro


Knight Life