
Intercut individual portraits of participants with their activity. slow motion for the portraits with small movements and fast action for activity (or fast cuts). Depending on look, can be black background (controlled) portrait or in situ with activity behind them.

For example head and shoulders of blacksmith (portrait) then cut to close up of hammer and anvil being struck, forge fire, metal quencing etc., Someone in armor (elbows up), preparation shot (kneeling etc), and then cut with melee action etc.

Also gathering other shots for sequences, such as, tightening straps of armor, pull on gloves, checking scabbards and wepons etc. Serious as well as smiling/laughing options also for beginning and end of individual sequences.

Look and Feel

Darker overall look with muted colours and lighting/composition to pop out participants, portraits (hero shots) using plenty of negative fill to bring out the shadows and add shape to faces, emphasizing the textures and details of costume. Recording in slow motion and normal or faster for action.


Hero shots

Back lit and Short lit portraits, with floppies (negfill), hard single point back light, and larger softsource key light, varying key angle for variation on subjects (ie overhead, side, behind)

(easier to achieve above if a interior or roofed space can be used to cut light, if not either same outside in open shade or natural light with bounce and neg (work with what we have))

Activity shots

Outside, natural light and supplementing with bounce and neg when/where possible.

*early access to site for setup and finding subjects, angles/shots etc would be beneficial


2-3 people depending on availability and interest, but can get away with one if small space can be used for portraits and gear storage, small cart for moving lighting/camera gear.